We´ve got interest in research, and our lead scientists resolved the mysteries behind the pure healthy, natural energized water from the Himalayas and other fountains of youth as the Alps.

We´ve discovered the natural-mineral water chemistry, developed and evolved till perfection by Mother Nature during thousands of years.

Behind a product like Kangen® there is a huge amount of science.

We´ve created the only natural, wholly organic & 100% natural-mineral system of water transformation and restructuration to reproduce this water everywhere in the world since we have certain rights over a patented method.

Lifelong learning, research and an immense curiosity were needed to unveil the natural secrets and presents that Mother Nature is giving us from the past and everyday, even conscious or not, about their real and deep value.

This is part of our philosophy of evolution and innovation.

Our water has a pH of around 8 rich in oxygen and a natural source of electrolytes. Is structured, hexagonal, and purports a huge amount of minerals in its ionic form, the only way to let the human body to absorb it properly.

Thus far, our water produces optimal cellular hydration that satisfies and refreshes full with less amount ingested.

Pure water, a powerful solvent that was, and always will be, the most valuable resource on earth. Pure water is the only element that exists in 3 states (liquid, solid and gas).

Millenniums ago water was pure. It was quite simply, our life source. Pure water was unaffected by the negative impact that mankind, technology and industry have had on the environment. Pure water remains essential to our existence, yet, we have slowly removed all the vital goodness from it. As consumers we are instructed with indications about the useful and convenience to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day.

What if these glasses of supposedly purified water are actually chemical concoctions, scientifically constructed to appear appetizing, taste refreshing and promise good health, but are the complete opposite? 

Would we still gulp it down with gusto and proactive thinking? We all do, whether it is purified water that comes out the tap or bottle.


The quality of drinking water represents a rising concern for city authorities and regulators across the globe. Continually, features exposing irregularities in the purification of water and contaminants found in public water supplies are crowding our mass media. These exposés by respected journalists and magazine channels condemn public systems responsible for the purification and treatment of water. In other hand, epidemic scares and warning labels about the quality of public purified water are common in many supposed 1st world cities and countries.

So, how can we sure that what we are sold as “natural and pure water” is in fact “natural and pure water”

The fact is we CAN NOT BE SURE that we are drinking pure water. 

Tests have shown that MOST BOTTLED WATER is in true not much better than what is available in the taps which is far from purified desirable water for the consumption of our families and those who are important to us.

For tap water, mineral water, spring water or any other water to be considered pure water it would have to undergo the complete purification of water.

This “miracle” purification process is required for water to regain its original properties, to be cleansed from all impurities and negative influences (water has the most powerful photo memory), to be re-charged with the elements that our bodies need from this life source. 
For purification of water that has undergone a miracle contact us for absolutely pure water. 

Structured water is alive, using our unique  water process, it is also referred to as live water, cell water and micro-clustered water.

It contains only pure memories, and because  water is electrically charged, it allows oxygen to flow through it and amends ones pH levels to name but a few of the myriad of benefits.

Contact us for pure water that is structured and alive.